
3 Steps to Ice Cool Skateboarding Confidence for Perf-aholics

April 15, 2016 — by Valeriya Vimon

True confidence cannot be downloaded as an app, neither is it something that you either have or not. It is a goal that we move closer to each day of our lives, if we do it right and this is true for almost everything in life that requires presenting your very own pair of wings without speaking the language of fear.

Skateboarders know (better than anyone) the cost of confidence loss and what it means to doubt yourself, even for a second, during a professional freestyle competition. Not only that it can ruin the quality of the performance, but it can also impose danger on the skateboarder himself.

If you are a perf-acholic, it will only get harder to let go and focus on your potential to glow. Therefore, without further ado, the tips below can help you embrace the power of self-trust, instead of the tyranny of self-destruct.


Your Gear is your Superhero Wear

Believe it or not, the gear holds an important part that must not be overseen. Felling comfortable all while looking your best will set the base for what follows and for doing so, you have to make sure that you have all necessary items Australian online skate shop offers. The skateboard itself is you mightiest tool, but everything else (clothing and protective gear) will add to the factor of coolness. The better you look and feel, the better you will perform and only high quality products, designed especially for the need of skateboarders can be truly useful for achieving this purpose.

You are Not Supposed to Not Fail

The secret ingredient that lies behind the smirk of the champions does not rhyme with ism, but with letting go. What you feed – grows. The less you welcome those what ifs that speak of possible failure, the more you raise your chances for your body and mind to relax and work as a whole. Failure is the very essence of life without which success wouldn’t even exist. Embrace both your yin and yang and you will undoubtedly feel how much more empowered you’ll become. After all, why not turn your failure into a stepping stone – fall, learn, move on.

Your Intuition is Your Best Mentor

Tricks, tricks, tricks. When it comes to freestyle competitions, what everyone expects from you is to present the old-school flatland tricks with your own touch of creativity. And I believe that there is nothing flat about your creative spirit. Without indenting to get touchy-feely, all this means is that whatever is on your mind can become a part of the stories of stellar skateboarding stories told along the streets.

Finally, get your gear together, (don’t forget the rebellious spirit to go with) research the items you need from Australian online skate shop, put you self-esteem on top of it and unite with the skateboarding world!