Babies & Kids

Babies & Kids

How to Choose Onesies for Preemies: Ensure Comfort and Warmth

February 28, 2025 — by Valeriya Vimon


Preparing for your baby’s arrival is certainly one of the most exciting moments in your life, especially for first-time parents. This is the time when you need to stock up on the essentials including those tiny little clothes. Building their little wardrobe is one of the most satisfying moments for many parents, especially when it comes to washing, ironing and organising the small pieces of clothes. While there are various baby essentials, one of the most functional, easy-to-use and comfortable pieces for babies is the onesie.

Babies & Kids

Growing Up in Style: Steps to Building your Child’s Wardrobe

July 10, 2024 — by Valeriya Vimon


Preparing for your baby’s arrival is probably one of the most challenging experiences for new parents, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. The choices are endless and there are so many fun and adorable newborn outfits to choose from that you will surely enjoy your time getting all the new stuff for your little one. But the truth is it might get overwhelming at some point.

Babies & Kids

Fun in the Sun: 5 Beach Activities for a Memorable Day in the Sand

March 5, 2024 — by Valeriya Vimon


The beach might be synonymous with relaxing, sunbathing, and chilling, but if you are there with kids, you will soon find out how quickly they can get bored. And it’s not only kids that get to enjoy it – adults also find the beach more appealing if they have something exciting to do. It offers endless opportunities for fun and excitement, especially when you gather your family for a few hours filled with sports and games. 
Whether you’re a fan of volleyball, soccer, cricket, or unique games like Molkky, the beach provides the perfect setting for bonding and enjoyment. How can you make the most of your seaside outing? If you prefer being active, you can incorporate various sports and games and create cherished memories with your loved ones.


What Are Some Fun Beach Games?

Beach games are a great opportunity to show off your sporting prowess, spark up a bit of healthy competitiveness, and turn an ordinary day into an amazing memory. The soft sand and shallow water are the ideal setting for fun and family-friendly beach sports, providing cushioned landings for participants of all ages. Beach balls, sports sets, or interesting games will animate everyone, regardless of their skills. Here are a few ideas for your next trip to the coast:


Volleyball is a classic beach game that never fails to entertain. Buy beach ball, set up a net in the sand and divide your family into teams for a friendly match. Volleyball is not only a great way to stay active but also encourages teamwork and communication. With the sound of waves crashing in the background and the sun shining overhead, playing this sport on the sandy shore is an experience like no other.

Beach Balls and Soccer

For a more casual approach to sports, bring along a beach ball and organize a game of soccer. The soft sand provides a forgiving surface for players of all skill levels, making it ideal for family matches. Kick the ball around, practice your dribbling skills, and enjoy the thrill of scoring goals against the backdrop of the ocean. Don’t forget to pack plenty of sunscreen and water to stay hydrated as you run up and down the sandy coast.



Cricket enthusiasts will delight in playing their favourite sport on the beach. Set up makeshift wickets using driftwood or sticks and grab a cricket ball for some friendly competition. Batting, bowling, and fielding on the soft sand present unique challenges that add an extra element of excitement to the game. Take turns at the crease and cheer on your family members as they aim for boundaries and wickets in this beloved sport.

Molkky Game

For a refreshing twist, introduce your family to the game of Molkky – a Finnish lawn game that’s perfect for the beach. The game involves throwing a wooden pin (known as a “Molkky”) to knock down numbered pins placed at a distance. Players score points based on the numbers they knock down, and the first to reach exactly 50 points wins. Molkky is easy to learn, suitable for all ages, and provides hours of entertainment as you compete to master your throwing accuracy.


Australia’s vast open beaches and windy weather make it the perfect place to sail kites. Children may enjoy the excitement of seeing their creations dance in the sky, regardless of how complex or simple their kite is—from a simple single-string kite to an intricate stunt kite. Kids who fly kites develop patience and coordination while fostering a connection with the environment. 

Having Fun at the Beach

Beyond organised sports and games, there are countless ways to have fun at the beach with your family. Build sandcastles, collect seashells, or simply lounge under an umbrella and enjoy each other’s company. Bring along a picnic basket filled with snacks and refreshments to keep everyone energised throughout the day. Don’t forget to capture precious moments with photos and videos to cherish long after the day has ended. 


The Importance of Playing Outside

Remember, being outdoors provides opportunities for sensory experiences, as children interact with different textures, temperatures, and natural elements. This stimulation enhances their sensory perception and cognitive development, so it’s more than just fun. It’s a stress relief, bonding time, and learning new skills. 
Playing outside, whether at the seaside, by the pool, or garden, is an essential part of a child’s life and has several developmental advantages. Children who play outside are more likely to show benefits in their physical, social, and cognitive development, according to research. These benefits support their long-term growth in addition to being necessary for their present well-being

Round Up

A day of sports and games at the beach offers the perfect opportunity for families to bond, laugh, and create lasting memories together. Whether you’re spiking a volleyball, kicking a soccer ball, swinging a cricket bat, or aiming for a Molkky strike, the beach provides a picturesque backdrop for endless fun and enjoyment. So pack your gear, gather your loved ones, and head to the shore for a day of sun, sand, and seaside adventures that you’ll treasure for years to come.

Babies & Kids

How to Choose Dresses for Little Girls

October 19, 2021 — by Valeriya Vimon


Girl in a white dress

Shopping for children’s clothes can be sometimes a complicated task, especially if you are a first-time parent. We all want our kids to look nice, neat, and tidy and at the same time feel comfortable and free in the clothes they wear. In this article, we are going to talk specifically about how to pick dresses for little girls and which are some of the most important factors you need to keep in mind before making your purchase.

Babies & Kids

Newborn Baby Carriers: Keep Your Little One Close to You

February 24, 2021 — by Valeriya Vimon


Newborns bring joy and hope to our lives and we want to make everything right from the start. One of the first things every parent wishes to know is how to calm a crying baby, but there are also many other challenges to overcome and get used to a life with a newborn. Most babies like to be snuggled up next to you, but holding them in your hands is not always possible, especially when you have some other tasks to finish around the house or take care of other children as well.

Babies & Kids

Steps to Choosing Toys Your Child Will Actually Play With

December 22, 2020 — by Valeriya Vimon


Christmas is around the corner, which means you’re probably wondering what to get your child this year. The thing is, your child’s room  is already full of toys they don’t even look at. So, what should you do?

The reason why all those toys are just sitting there and are not being played with might be because they are not the right ones. When it comes to choosing toys for children, there is a rule of thumb that every parent should keep in mind – less is more. The less a toy does, the more opportunities it will give your child to play with it and learn from it. Plus, simpler toys are easier for children to use, require less supervision and tend to last longer. Here are a few steps to follow when shopping for kids toys.

wooden toy unicorn

Opt for Simple Toys Instead of High-Tech

High-tech toys that do too much don’t allow children to use their imagination. For example, stuffed animals, dolls, cars, etc., that talk or sing or direct kids to press certain buttons basically take charge of the play when it’s the child who should be the one directing the action. According to experts, the best toys are generally the simplest ones, like wooden blocks, because they allow children to be creative and spontaneous.

While plastic toys have more designs, features and sound effects, wooden toys encourage children to open up their imagination and create new ways of playing with them. Buy wooden toys online and you will notice your child developing their motor skills, hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills and much more.

But this isn’t the only thing that makes wooden toys better than plastic ones. After you buy wooden toys online and get them delivered to your home, you will see how timeless, authentic and refined they can be. There is a clear visual appeal in the minimalism of wooden toy design that looks great in any children’s room decor.

Make Sure the Toy is Age-Appropriate

kids park wooden toys

Getting a toy that is beyond your child’s level of development will quickly make them become frustrated and overwhelmed. The same way, buying a toy that your kid is too old for will cause them to become bored and lose interest. The right toy will spike your child’s imagination and creativity. Here are a few suggestions when it comes to choosing the proper toys for different ages.

  • Young Infants (0 to 6 months) – toys they can reach for, hold, shake, put on their mouth, make noise with. Examples include squeeze toys, large rings, textured balls, teething toys, soft dolls, vinyl books.
  • Older Infants (7-12 months) – toys to play pretend with, like puppets, wood vehicles with wheels, and baby dolls; toys to drop and take out like balls, large beads, nesting toys and things to build with like large wooden cubes or soft blocks.
  • One-Year-Olds – board books with simple illustrations, things to create with like washable markers and crayons, toys to pretend with like dolls, toy phones, baby strollers, dress-up accessories, stuffed toys, plastic animals, wood vehicles, wood blocks, cardboard, puzzles, large and small balls.
  • Toddlers – at this age children have control of their hands and fingers and like to do things with small objects. Good toys for toddlers include wood puzzles with 4-12 pieces, objects to sort by size, colour and shape, things to build like construction sets, child-sized furniture, sand and water play toys, chalkboard and large chalk and picture books with more details.
  • Three to Six Years Olds – Toys for solving problems like puzzles with 12-20+ pieces, blocks that snap together and other small objects to sort by length, width, height, colour, shape, quantity and other features, things for pretending and building, to create with and things for using their small and large muscles, like ride-on equipment including tunnels, tricycles, wagons, plastic bats and balls, bowling pins, hammer, nails and saw, etc.

Buy One Toy At a Time

wooden train toys

Nowadays, it’s common to see kids inundated with toys. They are given soo many toys in such a short period of time that they have a hard time focusing on any. Experts suggest rotating the toys in and out of a child’s’ toy box or room, reintroducing one after a few weeks when it feels fresh and new. Also, when a child has different toys of a similar type, let them explore one before introducing another. Kids don’t need, for example, five different shaper-sorters at a time.

Note that some toys are appropriate for kids of different ages as they benefit different developmental stages. So, don’t rush to replace old toys with new ones. Some basic toys, like blocks, can serve a number of developmental purposes, which means you shouldn’t be quick to replace them and move on to something new.

Holding blocks helps infants with muscle development and coordination. As they grow, blocks can help develop other skills such as creativity, imagination, planning, building and constriction principles. Playing blocks with a sibling or friends teaches frustration tolerance and cooperation with others.

Babies & Kids

3 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding with Large Breasts or Nipples

December 15, 2020 — by Valeriya Vimon


Being a first-time mom isn’t easy at all. While you are still in shock of how this natural process works and in awe of how beautiful and amazing your baby is, you may not be aware of the difficulties that come after it, especially with breastfeeding. Believe us, the ‘headache’ you’ve had about choosing the right clothing material for your little bundle of joy can seem like a joke compared to this one. Aside from being one of the most beautiful feelings in the world, in the beginning, breastfeeding can be scary, confusing and painful.

Babies & Kids

Throw the Perfect B-Day Party for Your Kid in 3 Steps

July 28, 2020 — by Valeriya Vimon


“Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest.”

While almost everyone enjoys celebrating their special day, kids are especially excited about birthday parties. In their eyes, birthdays are the most magical days of the year. It’s when they get to choose their favourite outfit and get all the compliments in the world on their fashionable style. It is the time to do all sorts of fun things with their friends and family, from dancing and singing to play pretend and dress up. Not to mention the delicious cake with the colourful candles and the presents. Oh, the presents!

Babies & Kids

Steps to Choosing the Best Special Needs Toys for Your Little Munchkin

December 12, 2019 — by Valeriya Vimon


special needs toys

Sensory play is an important part of the development of kids as it helps them learn how their body works and how to interpret and process their surroundings. Sometimes, conditions such as autism spectrum disorder or Down syndrome pose certain barriers for kids to learn and play, but they can still benefit from sensory play which remains the same for all children. For those who are not familiar with this term, ‘sensory play’ refers to any activity that stimulates the senses. So, the more children use their senses, the more they will develop them and learn how to use them.

So, why is play important for children with special needs?

teacher playing with children with special needs

First, sensory play helps kids to learn. The more senses they use, the more prepared they will be to remember and recall information later. When kids use special needs toys and describe them or engage in some sensory play activity, they gain an understanding of the words they use, helping them develop a more descriptive and rich vocabulary. Also, sensory play promotes social interaction. It naturally entices children to come close and investigate, which is one of the first steps to interaction. Last, but not least, during sensory play, children of all abilities can experience the development of their motor skills. Whether they are drawing circles or making waves in the water – they are strengthening their muscles which will further help them with some basic daily activities like brushing their teeth or zipping their jacket.

The importance of the appropriate play activities and toys

When your kids engage in a sensory play activity or use special needs toys, you should consider what they can learn from them and how will they will experience them. For instance, kids who are visually impaired or blind may not get a lot of value from the different shadows of green crayon on white paper, but they will greatly benefit from and enjoy colouring on differently textured paper like scratchy, corrugated or bumpy paper. Children who have hearing problems or are completely deaf may miss the verses in a song, but they can feel the beat of the drum and vibrations of kazoos and whistles. Since these kids can’t hear the music you should try and help them feel it.

Children dipping fingers in washable, non-toxic finger paints.

Kids with physical limitations may find it difficult to follow intricate paint with different patterns but they can be quite successful in creating masterpieces with stamps and washable stamp pads. Kids who deal with sensory processing issues are little trickier as some of them have very high while others have very low sensitivity to sensory stimulations. If your child needs more stimulation, you can let him/her use the fingers while painting instead of a brush as this will help him/her feel the coolness and movement directly. For overly sensitive children, consider rubber gloves for finger painting so that they can experience how the colours move and mix together without getting any paint on their hands.

How to choose special need toys?

  • There are plenty of toys for special needs toddlers love on the market. For example, for kids with cerebral palsy who have poor motor skills, switch-activated toys are more helpful, while for kids with autism – toys that promote sensory movement can be very helpful. When looking to buy toys for children with special needs, it is important to choose the proper ones as you don’t want to give these kids toys that will frustrate them.
  • To avoid frustration, there are some important things you should keep in mind. For example, which of the five senses does the toy appeal to? Will your kid be able to activate the toy by himself/herself? Does the toy feature adjustable height or volume? Is it durable, well constructed and safe for your child’s intellectual age? Is it interesting and appealing for your kid? Is it right for your child’s physical capabilities, mental and social development? Is it breakable, fragile or contains any toxic materials?
  • Consider what sort of sensory stimulation does the toy provide? Do you want to introduce more or less stimulation into playtime? What kind of challenge factor does the toy provide? Kids with disabilities can greatly benefit from a toy that offers a different level of challenge, allowing them to build different skills and confidence. How the given toy can help your child to move toward specific social, physical and emotional goals? These questions are very important and answering them can greatly help in your choice of the right special needs toy.

Adaptive toys can be very rewarding and fun. When your child finds a certain toy interesting to play with, he/she is learning and improving some of the skills he/she may miss. Toys are designed for kids to learn and play with, but when it comes to buying toys for a special needs child, you have to be more careful in your selection.

Babies & Kids

Steps to Choosing the Best Clothing Material for Your Little Bundle of Joy

November 6, 2019 — by Valeriya Vimon


When your little ones arrive in this world, you want to make sure that their delicate baby skin is kept soft and free from any irritations. One of the best ways to achieve this is by making sure that the fabric they are dressed in is not made of synthetic fibres. If you are a trendy mom who is always updated on the latest news when it comes to the well-being of her little bundle of joy, chances are you have read an article or two regarding the benefits of bamboo products.
