When it comes to what gear to bring on a motorcycle ride, there is a long list of necessary and recommended items. What you decide to wear and carry is frequently a matter of personal preference depending on comfort, performance, safety, and style. However, there is certain critical equipment that experts suggest you should always have accessible when starting out on a long ride, including a motorcycle helmet, jacket, pants, gloves and boots.
Depending on how long and what kind of motorcycle riding you do, you might want to add a few more things to this list, such as a hydration pack designed specifically for motorcycle riding. While on longer rides, especially in the heat, you will lose fluids, even though you might not be aware of it.
In order to provide adequate protection, motorcycle clothing such as jackets, helmets, and gloves are thick and heavy, which can result in more sweating than is normal. On shorter rides, this is less of an issue, but if you’re going cross-country, you’ll need quick and convenient access to water. A good motorcycle pack for hydration can be useful in this situation too.
If you’re riding through remote areas, again these water packs are just as crucial. It’s essential to plan ahead and take a mechanical breakdown into account because you can’t always rely on a reliable water supply along your route. This could leave you stranded in a hot area for a while.
How to Choose a Hydration Pack?

A simple online search and you’ll discover that there is a range of hydration packs available differing in sizes, designs, and capacities. It’s important that you understand that not all water hydration bag models are multipurpose and not all of them are created equal, hence the importance to look for features that are tailored to your particular activity as well as for packs that are simple to fill and clean.
Types of Hydration Packs
Hydration waist packs and backpacks are the two primary forms you can choose from. Hydration backpacks have a typical backpack design and are available in many different sizes. They are a great choice for when you need to transport extras like extra clothing, rain gear, food, or tools.
Hydration waist packs help you stay cooler in warm weather by taking the weight off your back. Furthermore, this type of pack distributes the weight to your lower body and the area around your hips, aiding in balance maintenance.
Hydration Pack Reservoir Capacity Size
How big hydration pack do I need? Keep in mind that initially carrying water on your back might feel a little heavy. A litre of water weighs approximately one kilo. You’ll also need to consider whether you’ll be able to refill along the way.
Of course, you don’t need to completely fill the reservoir every time you go out. You can carry only the water you think you’ll need on shorter trips to minimize weight. A 3-litre reservoir, for instance, can be filled all the way for a longer adventure in a hot climate or halfway for a quick ride. In relation to reservoir capacity, consider the following:
- 0.5 litres: Packs with this reservoir capacity are generally waist packs that typically come with one or two water bottles. For lightweight activities like short rides, they work best.
- 1 to 1.5 litres: A good option for minimalists and short-distance rides.
- 2 to 2.5 litres: Common reservoir sizes that offer a nice compromise between reasonable weight and bulk while supplying enough water that, in most cases, will only occasionally need to be refilled.
- 3 litres: Made for those who don’t want to stop for a refill or for the truly thirsty adventurers. They are also beneficial for anyone riding in dry terrain.
Features of Hydration Packs

The Hose and Bite Valve
The bite valve’s on/off switch or button is crucial because it stops leaking and dripping when not in use. The valve can be bent at a 90-degree angle, at a 45-degree angle, or it can be straight in line. The angled type is considered by many to be the most usable. A tube clip to keep the hose in place is always a plus and you may also want to consider bags that offer hose insulation.
Quick-Disconnect Tubing
When it’s time to refill the reservoir of your hydration packs, some reservoirs come with a drink tube that detaches easily from the reservoir body. Simply press a button to release the tube, then remove the reservoir from your pack. This enables you to leave the tube in its current location, which is useful if it is routed through a tube portal.
Wide-Mouth Opening
Cleaning is made simple by wide-mouth openings, which typically allow you to fit a hand inside the reservoir. You can buy reservoir cleaners or a cleaning kit that includes brushes for cleaning the inside if you select a reservoir with a smaller opening.
Add-ons for Cold Weather
You can pick from a variety of winterized add-ons, including insulated reservoirs, reservoir covers, and bite valve covers. Although they add a little weight and bulk to your system, they can be useful.