Creating the perfect bathroom is not that difficult. Except for jazzing it up with some of the large selection of accessories, choosing the right bathroom shower is one of the fundamental pieces of this puzzle. While bathtubs were one of the main choices in the past, they were slowly replaced with shower units. These tall and appealing enclosures are available in a large selection of designs and sizes. Just like bathtubs, shower enclosures can be placed almost anywhere in the bathroom.
Space & Size
Get the exact measurements of your free bathroom space. Without this, you risk choosing a shower enclosure that will take up too much space, leaving almost no room for moving around freely. Or even worse, the chosen piece may be too small and thus get lost in the overall space which may result in hindering your efforts for creating a stylish and functional bathroom.

Style & Type
Once you know how much available space you have in the bathroom, it’s time to take a look at the different types of enclosures. For instance, quadrant and diamond shower units are perfect for saving space while still being stylish. These types of enclosures are designed to fit the corner of any bathroom. Those of you who have more bathroom free space can opt for a square or rectangular shower enclosure since they are larger.
Except for this, the type of door you choose is as important as the type of enclosure. If you lack free space, you can opt for sliding or folding doors as they reduce the space that is required for their opening. The pivot-style enclosure doors, on the other hand, are great for those bathrooms where space is not a problem.
The best part is that both the enclosure’s door/walls and frame style can be customised to suit your specific needs. For instance, the chosen enclosure can come with frosted, tinted or plain glass. On the other hand, you can also choose the glass thickness as this is closely related to its durability and safety.

Trays & Tiles
Now that you have chosen the right type of bathroom enclosure, it’s time to think about the tray. Although there are some enclosures that come with a tray included, you also have the option to pick the one that can meet more of your requirements. There are plenty of them to choose from, just remember to match your enclosure’s type and dimensions.
When it comes to the tiles, you can choose from porcelain, vinyl, stone, plastic, cork tiles, etc. Regardless of the colour and design you choose, make sure that they are waterproof. Otherwise, you will be risking water damage on the wall and the next room wall as well. Except for this, the water can also seep into the floor, damaging the ceiling of the room below. It can also cause the tiles to start popping off in the shower. All this can certainly increase your costs as you’ll need to either change the tiles with waterproof ones or remove the tiles and waterproof the base prior to installing them again.
How to Install a Shower Unit?
Although the installing of the bathroom enclosure can be performed by yourself, you must know that the procedure can be quite complicated. This mainly goes for those of you who have never done this before or anything related. And while it’s true that doing it on your own can save you a lot of money, asking for professional help is always a better option. You might succeed in installing it, but no one can guarantee you that you did a great job.

How to Clean Shower Enclosure?
The bathroom is the place we visit the most throughout the day, so keeping it as clean as possible is paramount. Although a quick wipe can help you keep it clean throughout the working days, cleaning it thoroughly every week is essential. If you don’t do this, grime, mould and mildew can easily build up which is not a good thing. Different bathroom units require the use of different products and way of cleaning. Making sure you follow some of the general rules can help you keep it clean and shiny without causing any damage.