Displaying your art in a special and dynamic way can step up your living room décor by creating a focal point for daily living and entertaining. An art wall, a poster wall or a gallery wall, call it whatever you like, is designed to fit into any space of your home. But, sometimes your artwork does not necessarily fit together even when it contains art pieces you carefully chose and appreciate a lot!
Do Your Research
Gathering inspiration is the first and most crucial stage in finding the perfect wall art posters for your living space. However, you should keep in mind that when purchasing the artwork and prints you like, you should also consider a variety of colour patterns and the overall theme. Although you can mix different themes, colours, and styles in unlimited ways, sticking to one consistent theme for all of your pieces can help your art wall blend together beautifully.

Creating a mood board can be an excellent start here. And, if you lack some inspirational ideas, you can find great ones on Instagram or Pinterest! When doing your wall art research, remember to consider different sizes and other styles of art. A delicate painting combined with bold graphics can generate an entirely new dynamic.
Measure Your Wall
Determining the size of your wall is crucial when displaying your artwork. Before buying wall art posters or hanging up your precious heirloom, you should first figure out the area you want your art wall to take up. Applying ’empty frames’ produced with paint tape to the wall might help you obtain a better visual concept of how your art wall should look and how big it should be.
If you are artistic or know how to use a good drawing program, you can experiment with alternative layouts before adding the empty frames to your wall to check the result. If you don’t have access to drawing software or a professional tool, don’t panic – you can still use a regular writing program on your computer. Find online images of your future artwork and insert them to understand how the various patterns and textures interact with one another.
Remember to consider the distance between each piece of art. It’s vital because it allows the art to breathe and stand out while being a part of the entire. Finally, how much spacing you want between each piece is a matter of personal preference, but we recommend anywhere between 3 and 10 cm to achieve a good overall effect.
Make the Final Selection
Once you decide how many prints will be on your art wall, their sizes, and the overall mood you want to achieve, the most fun part is finding the perfect wall art posters to construct a complete art wall or augment existing pieces of art. Consider the frames when creating your art wall. Your framing can add just as much beauty and personality to your room as the artwork itself, whether you go modern with monochromatic frames or mix and match different colours and structures. Considering alternative textures or colours and selecting well-made, high-quality frames is an essential step in achieving your fantasy art wall.
Hang Up Your Wall Art
Before estimating where to hang your art wall, start by setting out your framed art on the floor in the layout, you’ve chosen. Keep an eye out for cohesiveness and spacing, and don’t be hesitant to switch things around if something doesn’t feel right.

Next, it’s time to pick where your gallery wall’s focal point will be. Since you can easily be carried away and hang your wall art prints too high, the centre should be about 1,5 m from the floor. This is a widely used standard in galleries and museums to symbolize the typical human eye height. Because all of your art will share a visual midline, doing this throughout your home will create a sense of balance.
All that’s left now is to hang your well-thought-out, carefully proportioned, and perfectly matched art wall. You only need a decent pocket ruler, a spirit level, and patience. And, don’t forget to use low-adhesive tape for keeping the distance between frames consistent.
How to Place Your Wall Art Like an Interior Design Pro?
The artwork should hang around 57 inches from the floor in the centre (or at eye level for most people. Make sure there is at least 6-12 inches between the top of the sofa and the piece of art if it is hanging over a sofa. If your ceilings are lower than 8 feet, divide your wall into four portions from the bottom up and hang it in the third.
Ensure the middles of many pieces of varying heights line up if you’re hanging them together. Hang a piece of artwork every third step to create a diagonal impression when hanging artwork over your stairs. Consider your space; if it’s already cluttered or busy, go for larger pieces to avoid overwhelming it.
Our Wall Art Ideas
Display Shelves
Floating display shelves are an excellent way to showcase your favourite Scandinavian inspired wall art prints or decor collection. Staggering the shelves might help to create an eclectic, relaxed atmosphere. For a sleek, elegant aesthetic, put up the shelves in a straight line. You can easily swap out and rearrange your art or décor according to the season or whenever you like. If you decide to go for a more cultivated look, place ornamental things like books or plants between paintings and framed images.

Gallery Wall
Gallery walls are a fun and affordable way to display your favourite artwork. To avoid a congested or cramped finished result, ensure there is enough blank space around the artwork. Because we read from left to right, the left side of a grouping can usually carry additional visual weight – larger items, wider frames, or dark colours.