
Steps to Choosing the Adequate Baits for Successful Fishing

February 13, 2017 — by Richard Dawson

Fishing is rightfully considered one of the best hobbies a person can have if it’s relaxation and the chance to catch a hearty meal is what you’re after. Since it’s a kind of philosophy of its own, it takes making it part of your life to be able to truly understand it. The fact it’s beaten the test of time and is still very much popular just proves its effects on people.

Nowadays we could all do with a bit more time out in nature and fishing provides it, along with giving you the opportunity to have a blast with friends and family in case you’re not exactly the solitary type of fisherman. When you’re out surrounded by the beautiful landscapes, breathing in fresh air, you get to see that life is all about taking it slow and enjoying it. As a fisherman you can bet you’d get your share of patience lessons.

As Yoda said “Patience you must have, my young padawan”, it’s the key determinant to how successful you become as a fisherman. Also, don’t skip on learning a thing or two about how to choose the adequate equipment, and by equipment I mean baits in particular as they’re crucial for your catches. Though not a new invention, the many choices of soft bait are still increasing in popularity because of their low maintenance, durability and striking resemblance with natural baits that quickly fools the fish into biting.

Fishing Baits

Regardless of whether you’re old school and prefer the hassle of natural bait (and the smell), or are happy with the soft bait, you have to be able to pick out the proper one that you know would help with your success. There are few steps to help you out with this kind of purchase and they all involve being more aware of your hobby. One of them is getting all the info on the type of fish you’re after because they have different food preferences. Also have in mind that not all baits were created equal, with some you would have to start up the movement through water yourself.

Never forget to check the weather forecast before you head out fishing, and read more about fish’s eating habits in particular times of the year. During cold days you can’t expect fish to bite big baits because their metabolism slows down so pick out something smaller and leave big baits for better days. Last but not least, make sure you inspect the water where you intend to fish well before you begin, checking for clarity. For best success, choose smoky colours for cloudy days and not so clear waters, as opposed to bright colours for sunny days and clear waters.

A word of advice is to pay attention and let the fish show you what they prefer. If you’re not getting the expected results after fishing time and time again, chances are they’re into another bait so don’t be stubborn and opt for other ones instead.